Using Earth Tones And Teal In Child And Nursery Dcor

By Ty Hulse

Earth tones are some of the warmest and friendliest of colors, calling to mind the comfort of home and the beauty of nature. From light creams to dark chocolates the very names of these colors can call to mind the warmth that they are able to exibit, Thanksgiving and the cheer of a fireplace. For you child or baby earth tones can be used with many motifs from country, to nature, as will as to warm a room that might otherwise be overwhelming for a small child.

One must be careful with browns however because although they are a warm color reminding people of home, and sturdiness they can also be used to evoke feelings of sadness. It is perhaps this range of emotions that allows brown to be both emotionally evocative and a neutral tone at the same time.

Earth tones go good with a number of other colors, helping to balance blues when done correctly or as a complement and natural extension of oranges and reds. This is because earth tones are complementary colors of blues and greens while they are muted versions of orange and red.


Orange and warm browns are very good colors for creating a sanctuary, because both of these colors can give some sense of comfort. They are also able to be warm without being brilliant, a trait which helps prevent bright art from blending into the background.

At the other end of the spectrum cooler browns, such as those tinged with a little green can be used in color schemes with green to evoke images of nature. Warmer browns are also good for this, especially if you like green but want your babys room to still have a warm base color or strong warm highlights. Nature scenes are especially good for a child as it has so many cute and fun images; from squirrels to deer the natural world is filled with wonderful and cuddly creatures which tend to be a warm shade of brown.

How to Use Fascinating and Unique Teal to Accent Kids Bedroom Dcor

A Childs room and especially a young childs or babys nursery is a joyous place where you are free to allow your imagination wander. And one of the most exciting things that has occurred recently is the reemergence of teal as an acceptable color for decorating a house.

Teal is a beautiful color caught somewhere between green and blue it is cool yet has a strange warm feel to it, as though its being at the warmer end of blues spectrum makes us see it as warmer then it is. For this reason teal is good for baby dcor for those who love the color blue. Teal is also very good for nursery paintings as it is a somewhat exotic color that can add a splash of life to a room.

Teal is the perfect color for spring decorating, and so for a babies room and most especially for wall art it is a good seasonal color. Teal because it is like a bright blue and a bright green mixes will as a triadic color with yellow, while also fitting in will as a complement to pink. This allows teal to be used to great effect for the Easter colors.

Nursery art works need to have more seasonal versions so that they can be switched fairly simply to keep the interest alive in the room, and to help remind you as a parent of the excitement of the childs first few holidays.

About the Author: Ty Hulse is a childrens artist and psychologists who runs the web site

where you can browse new and interesting art for children, nursery decor or get custom works designed for your childs room.


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