Dog Pain Relief: Prescription Dog Meds Can Kill!

By George Davenport

Most people want the best

dog pain relief

possible when it comes to their painful pooch, people just LOVE their dogs! For good reason too, it’s nearly a necessity to have a furry friend by your side in times of sadness or loneliness, especially ‘man’s best friend.’ These little guys look up to us, love us, cherish us, and wait by the door for us, all day long, just for us to come walking in the door! But what should you to do when your little furry friend is suffering from arthritis?

Good dog pain relief that won’t harm your dog is a tough thing to come by, especially for things like joint pain and/or arthritis. Most vets prescribe NSAIDs that can have harmful side effects , possibly even kill your dog!

The truth is nobody wants to see their furry friend in pain. It’s one of the most agonizing feelings in the world. The saddest part is, even if your dog isn’t quite showing it, they could be in serious joint pain.


Here are a couple hints to tell if your furry friend is dealing with dog joint pain…


When your dog sits, lies down, or gets up, you may hear whining, whimpering, or yelping.

Daily Habits:

Decreased appetite, withdraws from social interaction, lapses in house training, sleeps more than usual.

Activity Levels:

Restless, reluctant to move, difficulty getting up from a sitting/laying position, repetitively gets up and lies down, trembling.

Other signs:

Licking, scratching, or biting one particular part of it’s body, always laying on one side of its body, acting abnormally aggressive, pinning the ears backward, not wanting to be held, hides, or won’t put weight on a limb.The bad news is your pet may be suffering from painful joints, arthritis, or possibly something more. The good news is you’ve just found the cure, a new medication for dog pain relief…


isn’t a pill that you have to shove down your dogs throat, the medication is administered to your dog orally, via droplets. Depending on the size and weight of your dog, you give them doses of 5-15 droplets in their mouth about 2-3 times a day.

My wife and I have been working on getting the word out about prescription NSAID medication for dogs, especially Rimadyl. Not enough people pay attention to the side effects of these dog pain relief medications, or simply ignore them, like we did! Pay attention to your pets when given a prescription medication, watch for the side effects, and you just might save their life!

A good new friend of ours, Dr. Higgenplar, is a retired veterinarian with 29 years experience. He’s introduced us to an amazing new product called PetBounce. We’ve seen the outcome of this homeopathic joint pain relief supplement with ZERO side effects. We couldn’t believe how potent and legit the item is. If anything, give PetBounce a try before some ‘deadly’ prescription.

For more information on prescription NSAIDs for dogs and the serious side effects, check out the links below.

About the Author: Toby was my wife’s baby, a 14-year old spotted lab. She was in great health other than arthritis. We took her to the vet for

dog pain relief

and she was prescribed a pain medication. Two weeks later she passed away due to the very serious side effects. Check out

PetBounce for a free trial

of side effect-free arthritis and joint pain medication for dogs.


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